Thank you for providing us with an app giving us access to the IC diet and more tips and tricks. I had printed a pocket-size version of the IC diet guide but the app is MUCH better! Isabelle
Thank you for providing us with an app giving us access to the IC diet and more tips and tricks. I had printed a pocket-size version of the IC diet guide but the app is MUCH better! Isabelle
Just happy that there is an app to help navigate my way through daily eating with ic. Thank you xo
I was very disappointed that for the price I couldnt at least customize which foods are in which category for me. All of us who have ic and know how to use the Internet at all can get this much info but to be able to "have tried it" and track the reaction would be much more useful. Every single ic patient reacts differently to any combination of foods you can think of. Personally I can eat some of the red caution foods and cant eat some of the so called "friendly food. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with multiple Hunners lesions via cystoscope w/ hydrodistension.
I have been suffering from IC for about 14 yrs. I hated to always guess of what to eat and what not to eat, I kinda know what triggers my flares, but its nice to know all I have to do now is click on my ICN APP!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS!! IC patients are going to L❤VE this!! HI JILL!!! GOD BLESS all who gave all for this APP!!
I am so happy that the ICN has developed this application for us. It is MUCH easier than looking at the full version website while on the go. I would love to see a lot more of what the ICN has on their website available here, as well (doctor finder, combating a flare, etc), but the diet is a perfect start to the ICN joining the app world! Thank you so much for caring for us, as a community, and keeping the app very decently priced. I know this will become one of my most used applications (well have to see if it can surpass Angry Birds in data usage!) ❤ kt ❤
I have been suffering with IC for 23 yrs! Just got an iPhone for Christmas. Now with this App, it will make my food choice decisions a lot easier and more convenient. Besides, I want to make better food choices in 2012 so this will really help me! Many thanks to the ICN for developing this app!
This is a very helpful tool when your not really sure whats okay to eat.
Very handy when your grocery shopping and havent eaten a particular item...Absolutely a must have for everyone that suffers from IC!!
While I love this app and think its very user friendly I do want to point out that you can add a link to the IC Diet list of foods onto your phone which would essentially have the same information.
I dont see any difference between what was on the old 2008 food list on the web site and this! You want a five star, earn it! You NEED to add a scan module that could be used live while shopping to determine the safety of a food! Put it to use, flag it green for the safe list, or flag it red as a food not to buy. Then this app would be worth more than the PDF I already have on my device! Thanks!
This is awesome! So much easier to shop.
As some reviewers have mentioned, you could just link the PDF of the food list. But that is thirteen pages long, and as of the most recent update is no longer organized by category. Someone new to the diet needs to see the foods by category and have a searchable database. This is an excellent app.
I find this app very helpful as well. I definitely would not want to look at the pdf file every time. I would love if it had a scan it feature to determine if what Im purchasing at the stow is IC friendly. But this is a great start, thanks ICN
I am so happy to discover this app! Makes it so easy to determine what I can and cant eat, especially when grocery shopping, out at restaurants, or even just to share with others who are curious about IC! So glad that more information is getting out there about this condition as well, thank you!
Great app! Great when food shopping. User friendly, useful information with links to resources for additional information and low acid brands of food and beverages. Very detailed, Very helpful! Highly recommend!
I love that this app has easy-to-use, research-based information. What would make it even better is a way to make personal notes, especially with the "try it" foods, I sometimes find myself wondering if I have tried it recently, or which brand was it that I can tolerate? Other than that, the organization and extensive info on IC-safe foods are very useful!
It is an awesome app that allows you to have the wonderful IC diet at your finger tips. It groups food/drink so you can look up a specific food. It also groups items into three categories, safe, try it and avoid.
This has been the best tool Ive found since I was diagnosed with this awful affliction. Such a great help for such a complex diet!
I wIsh there was a way to submit inquires to the creator about products not on the list (like jello).
You should update with more foods & search place. You also should make it fit the iPhone5 screen.